The Diana Adapted Foundation

Supporting and empowering those with unique physical differences to remain independent, mobile, active and mentally strong as they begin and navigate their healing process and beyond.

Our Programs

Through various unique programs, the foundation provides guidance, resources and financial support and more to assist its members to live as typical of a life as possible. Those who The Diana Adapted Foundation serves maintain a passion for progress, a motivation for their well being and optimistically thrive with their differences. 

  • Adaptive: Mindset

    What you think about is a key factor in your recovery and life moving forward. You get to decide what kind of path you want to go down after sudden limb loss.

  • Adaptive: Independence

    It can be a lot to figure out day-to-day life with a sudden limb difference. I offer practical support to navigate daily tasks that can, at first, seem impossible to do.

  • Adaptive: Fitness

    Feeling physically strong leads to you feeling mentally strong, which is why fitness is so important on your journey.


"Today is 9 months since I lost my arm. All I could remember was being lost and confused and YOU guided me to the path I'm going now. Just thanks for being YOU!"

Daniela Caneto Elias
Foundation Recipient

My name is Diana Gazzano Gibson. I’m the Founder of The Diana Adapted Foundation and a thriving amputee. 

About the Founder

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